I’ve just realized that I’m not ready to install a multi-gigabyte TexLive distribution in the 32 GB file system of my Chromebook-based laptop. And I need to update the CV sometimes. Luckily, there’s a web service available exactly for that: texlive.net. It turned out capable of rendering my resume using XeLaTeX via their test web page, but it didn’t work immediately when I tried using their API directly. Here’s how I did that eventually.

According to their documentation, the parameters need to be sent in an HTTP POST multipart/form-data request. It’s convenient to employ curl to do the job. And it worked on simple test documents. But when I tried with the real CV, the compilation failed consistently while using the package hyperref. Comparison of the Firefox network capture with curl --trace-ascii revealed that the test web page sends bigger Content-Length for practically the same parameter set. Aha! The service must be sensitive to the line endings format. It expects \r\n for some reason, and my file was authored using Unix convention with just \n.

So there’s my script to note:

#!/bin/bash -e

# Compile xelatex document using the API of https://texlive.net


# The compilation will fail if the document doesn't use DOS line endings CRLF
headers=$(curl -s -i \
    -F "filecontents[]=@${name}" \
    -F "filename[]=document.tex" \
    -F "engine=xelatex" \
    -F "return=pdf" \

location=$(echo "$headers" | grep -Po '(?<=Location: )(/latexcgi/.*?)(?=\r)')

if [[ "$location" == *.pdf ]]; then
    curl -s -Lo ${name/.tex/.pdf} ${texlive}${location}
    curl -s -L ${texlive}${location} >&2
    exit 1